Sunday, 24 June 2007

Joshua's Birthday

I got the 30D a day before my sons birthday, so here are a couple of the very first images that I took with the 17-55mm f2.8 IS USM. I was a little bit 'iffy' about getting this lens to be honest (I really wanted an 'L' lens), but after only half a dozen photos... WOW, I'm glad I did.

Time for a Rest
Available light - ISO 100 - f2.8, 1/125th sec

Guitar Man
Available light - ISO 100 - f2.8, 1/30th sec

Am I initially impressed? Yes I am. I'm also quite surprised at the weight of the camera and lens combination (surprised in a good way that is). Very quick and responsive auto focus, and I really like the 'new' joystick button that handles the auto focus activation points. After having used Nikon for the past two years I wouldn't exactly call my handling with the 30D 'intuitive' just yet. But with a bit more time, and a lot more images, I'm sure it will soon become second nature.

More soon.


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